Fundraise 4 Friends

Fundraise 4 Friends

Help fundraise to meet the needs of children experiencing poverty in India.

Fundraise for Friends, with Friends!

Fundraise for Friends is an easy-to-use mission/service project that engages children in compassionate service to improve the lives of children in need. Children in the U.S. are challenged to earn or collect $5+ to raise money for students at the Good Samaritan School in New Delhi, India.

6 Easy Steps to Fundraise for Friends

  • pick your cause

    Begin helping friends in India by choosing a cause to fundraise for - either medical care, student lunches, or education.

  • Receive our Step-by-Step Guide

    Teach children about India and students at the Good Samaritan School using either our free Lunchbox Love, Medical Care, or Education Leader's Guide.

  • Watch The Video

    Watch the one-week program video, featuring live footage from India and the Good Samaritan, where children are challenged to raise $5 or more for their cause.

  • Decorate a Lunchbox/Medical Kit

    Children decorate their lunch, medical, or education box and take them home to share the contents with their families.

  • Return Cheerful Giver Pouches

    At the end of the week, children bring back their Cheerful Giver Pouch with the money they raised throughout the week.

  • Receive your Celebration Video!

    After groups turn in their collection, they will receive a personalized celebration video announcing the amount your group collected and a special message from Mummy-ji, founder of our school!

F4F Curriculum

Fundraise for Friends curriculum kits include an easy-to-assemble handled box for children to decorate. Each box is filled with a Sadie Shares mini book, parent postcard with instructions, and a cheerful giver pouch. 

What Comes in Your Project Kit?

Children receive boxes to decorate before taking them home to open with their family.  Project Kits are $1 per child and include:

See How F4F Works:

Lunchbox Love

Medical Care



Frequently Asked Questions

We designed three programs – Lunchbox Love, Medical Care, and Education – so groups can build on what children learned during their first project by participating in a 2nd or 3rd project. Groups can choose one or two projects a year and rotate through all three projects. This allows students to have an ongoing relationship with our school and look forward to more projects to come!

We provide FREE step-by-step instructions to lead your group through Fundraise for Friends. You will only need to purchase either Lunchbox Love, Medical Care, or Education Kits (only $1 per child participant).

We have set the goal at $5 or more for each student. While this is affordable for most families, remember $5 is just a goal. Since students turn in funds in the collection pouch, this eliminates any pressure to collect the full amount and allows those who want to give more to do so.

Most churches collect a daily offering during VBS. Fundraise for Friends can be added to any VBS program so students can support children their own age who live in extreme poverty in India. Choose either Lunchbox Love, Medical Care, or Education for your VBS collection. During VBS, children view a video and learn how their offering will be used.

Families learn about the project when their child comes home with their decorated box. The contents promote family conversations about being generous and compassionate to children in need.

After the collection is completed and funds are sent to our office, we will send you a celebration video to thank and encourage your church family for being part of supporting children in need.

Participation helps children learn about children who live in extreme poverty in a country different than their own. Having their own mission/service project empowers children to make a difference in the life of children in need. When children learn early the character traits of compassion and generosity, they are more likely to grow up to be compassionate, generous adults who help make our world a better place.

100% of the money children collect goes directly to the Good Samaritan School in India.

Still have questions? Contact us! We’re happy to adjust our programs to fit your group’s needs.